Wednesday, August 15, 2007

And, yet another one

Brb- gonna take a leak
Man, this is taking ages
Back--had to let out a river
By the way,when you settle in, look for an opening for me
I mean, when you have a job and all
You there, mate?
sorry - was drinking water
man...when you piss, you let out a stream
when you drink, do you let in one or what?

What a nice lil Chat I had with my friend today

They don
oh but they do
sides i am not a 15 year old prostitute anyways
you look like one though
fuck you
what will you charge for that?
you can fuck off for free Luv
ahh...a prostitute gratis? that
well you are such an ugly little minger that i decided for free
i knew you would, you slut
well you know - i have a heart of gold
yes, and a cunt like the abyss

Believe me, this is a real chat I had with the Blind Watchmaker, and he plays the prostitute.